Yesterday my friend and I got some chips, guacamole, coconut water and watermelon from Wholefoods at Columbus circle and we walked pass these early spring bicyclers, and carriages in purple, orange and pink decorated with flowers. Deeply into the park we walked through trails surrounded by bridges, grass fields, and occupied by the folk artists who paint you portraits. Soon we felt the urge to seat down when we saw a big rock facing the baseball field. It was a beautiful afternoon filled with the breeze of grass and trees and sight of relaxing happy faces walking by!
We were talking and sharing stories and ideas, and there was something I would like to share with you guys. We spend so much time learning about the world outside that there is little time reserved to look inside and try to understand our inner self. We are all born a certain way and it is important to know about yourself for you to make wise decisions in life. You can find a personality test here. I feel I learned more about myself spending 30 min reading my result than living with myself for the past twenty plus years! If you have not done it, be sure to check it out! It is fascinating read enjoyed with a cup of honey lemon tea!